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I've been so down, hidden behind the door I locked. I asked myself what do I care, what am I afraid of, and why am I yearn for the sun but kept hiding myself from people.  I am afraid to lose, although I knew I had nothing to lose. I found all kinds of excuses for myself, but I know I can't illude myself...

If I got no more strengh to walk out of the dark by my self, may I ask you to be my friend. Stand under the lovely sunlight, and I will be out and be with you. Trust me, I will be there.

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本文引用自xjapanintw - 【活動】送你去聽X JAPAN演唱會

说起第一次听 X Japan的原因,还是因为当时我热衷的一位歌手-YiDA. 所谓爱屋及乌, 我知道YiDA 的音乐深受X JAPAN的影响,我竟也着了魔似的开始沉迷于X Japan的音乐中。那年的暑假我是在房间里没日没夜的观看X的演唱会中度过的  原本我并不是视觉系的粉丝,一开始也把他们的音乐风格单纯的理解为普通的摇滚  但是那里有一种力量,深深地抓住了我, 很深很深,让我瞬间抛下世界周围的一切,坠入深谷,却又找到了那个一直隐藏着的自己的内心   他们的音乐是黑色的,带着血,却又像精灵般温暖的抚平我的心  X Japan他们是一群坚强的人,有着我没有的毅力,在勇敢的闯过一个又一个生命的极限,他们让我看到,勇敢地走过黑暗之后,那里有晴朗的天空

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